Oh boots, our reunion has been long awaited. It’s been far too long — and now that it’s finally October, I can no longer feel guilty for pulling the boots, and scarfs, and comfy sweaters out. I also finally got the pictures from my friend!

One of the worst feelings in the world is disappointing or letting a teacher down, especially when it’s one you respect. That happened today in Calc when most nearly everyone bombed our quiz yesterday, myself included. However, another worst feeling is getting treated without nearly any respect from a teacher *cough* Environmental Science *cough* She comes in today and wants to talk to us about our surveys yesterday…apparently she was appalled at how many of us had put that they thought the class was very opinionated. To that statement, she responded, “In my opinion, I don’t think you guys are right!” A little contradictory, no? So many things are wrong with that situation…

Funny story, this beautiful wooded area is actually only about 30 steps outside of the school building, and most kids come here to smoke. But what do Courtney and I do? Oh no, we don’t smoke, we take pictures of ourselves! #rebellife

Regular Tuesday Schedule for Lusi: Writing Center early in the morning -> School -> Volunteering -> Arts Council Meeting -> Homework/Dinner/etc. Needless to say, it was a busy day!

My friend in these pictures is to blame for my current obsession (addiction, same thing) to the Mortal Instruments series, but to be honest, I’m not that good of an influence either because I’ve gotten 3 other people addicted too! Regardless, I took a break from homework tonight and finished the last 30 pages of the 5th book (6th and final is out in March!) and I have to say, I am upset! I already ranted to Courtney today (5th is her favorite, mine is the 3rd) about how they messed up all the characters, and the plot line is wrong, and they’re just getting everything wrong!! Can i just please go back to the 3rd book and ignore the 4th and 5th?? Also, I took another mini-break and finished the last 15 minutes of the last episode of the last season of skins and that made me angry too — it’s just not a good day for fiction for me.

Okay, so remember when I had a special package arrive and I mentioned how it was so great it needed its own post?

Well, I introduce you to my very own Cambridge Satchel special ordered form England — it was a totally worth-it splurge! And being a total geek, I even got it engraved with my initials :)
Realizing how disjointed this post has been (and how I’ve been rambling just so there’s some text and not just the pictures) I might as well end it here otherwise it’ll get even more scattered :) But be on the lookout, I think this blog is about to get some major changes!
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