Reasons why today was awesome:
1. Hannah’s note
2. Nik’s Birthday
3. Overnight Oatmeal - god bless real food!
4. ACT Score - I took the test in June and I bettered my score by 2 points and now I am extremely happy!
5. My request to leave campus was approved! Now I get to go to Optimist International Conference to talk about my Uganda Project!
6. I made a friendship bracelet and learned new card games today.
7. Seminar was good. The second week is when we are supposed to start crying but luckily no one has yet haha! We did a variety of activities intended to get us to know ourselves better and establish where we stand and what our values are. We played this one game where we had to make a list of our top ten values. Of course, since Luke is cruel, we then had to narrow it down to only one. But then again, I suppose it got us to analyze where we stand. It was reflective. Plus, we have these talk-back books in which we write, kind if like a journal, and Luke reads them and responds and I am so impressed by his genuinely heartfelt responses! Team Luke!
8. One day closer to Family Day on Saturday:)
There were 2 reasons why today wasn’t awesome though. The first was focus area in which all we did was interview 3 people (my group goes tomorrow) and then talk about Paula Deen’s N-word scandal with The Food Network for about an hour and a half. How it was relevant to class, we never did find out. The second reason was our guest speaker that came tonight. He sounded really amazing: he was in Homeland Security working for Counter-Terrorism. He started his speech incredibly strong with the quote “If it is to be, it is up to me.” But after that, things started going downhill. He stopped talking about himself and instead started talking about how we can’t negotiate with radical Islamic terrorists. You know it’s bad when even the RA’s you’re sitting next to start to get anxious. Anyway, that eventually blew over too but you should have seen this one boy’s reaction!
We had hall buddy Jason again tonight and he once again fed us treats and this time we played charades :)
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