5.29.2014// Meaning of Life / Final Thoughts
"The Past is never dead. It's not even the past." - William Faulkner 

The above quote is one of my favorites because of just how true it rings. I like to believe in the validity of this quote because I try to live my life without regrets. In that sense, I wouldn't want to unwish any part of my life; I believe everything that happens happens so for a reason. Sometimes, I live in fear that I, out of all my friends, tends to hold onto memories and the past most strongly. I fear that we will drift apart and lose touch, just because that seems to be the course of nature. I don't handle change well, unless I am the one to choose that change; so Faulkner, you give me hope that I am not alone. That the past never dies, and these past four years will forever be engrained in our minds.

For the 'final thoughts' segment of this, I wanted to do something different, something creative and out of the box. I wanted to make something that would simultaneously remind me to never forget all of these memories I've gathered, while inspiring me keep moving forward. I wanted to be able to have something on my person at all times, or whenever I chose, so that I could always have a piece of my life at this time with me. So I made a list with five different sayings, either pieces of advice for myself, or meaningful memories, goals, aspirations, dreams, or just personal reminders. But each one has a special significance to me. I took those five different sentences, wrote them out sheets of paper, and then rolled them up into paper beads. With those beads I then made a necklace that symbolizes me, my personality, and all I am and all I hope to ever be.

"Courage is not the absence of fear but rather the judgement that something is more important than fear. The brave may not live forever, but the cautious do not live at all."   - The Princess Diaries  

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