12.10.2013// Welcome Home!
Man, has this year been full of traveling. First, I was gone during the summer. Then mom left for a month, followed immediately by dad leaving. What was only supposed to be a shorter three week visit quickly turned into a 2-month stay. It wasn't planned, but it's what had to happen under the circumstances. That being said, it was odd not having dad around the house -- mom and I had to readjust for a little while. Needless to say, we missed him. Like crazy.

He was supposed to be back yesterday afternoon but luck have it, he missed his flight. The Lukova's are just so darn good at traveling:) So yesterday, he spent the night waiting it out in Philly because, of course, there were no other flights out to Kentucky he could have taken. There always seems to be a hitch, or something goes wrong, whenever you're anxious to get somewhere isn't there?

Regardless, dad is finally back home now. And we don't plan on letting him go for the time being.

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