Literally though, it was lazy to the max. But it was also just what I needed:) I spent pretty much the entire day with 2 friends and we had an American Horror Story marathon. Paula, in the picture above, had never seen it, but after the 7th episode, I think we got her addicted;) We watched the first season, which I’ve seen a couple times, but we were originally going to watch the second, which I haven’t seen in it’s entirety but we couldn’t find it. I guess this just means we’ll need to have another marathon because we need to be all caught up before season 3 comes out in October! This show is brilliant - I think a person could watch it over 5 times an still learn something new each time. The plot line is just phenomenal and the 3rd season looks wicked cool!
We also set up a little picnic to provide us sustenance while we watched:) Note the tea mug in the picture, you can’t have a good horror show without some calming tea to relax the suspense form the show;) I also managed to paint a prehistoric cave painting on a rock a carve the Venus of Willendorf out of a bar of soap - thank you Art History for my super weird homework?!?
It was a perfect end to a 3-day weekend, I’m just not sure that I’m ready for it to be over!
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