7.15.2013// The Race to Nowhere
The day started off slow with Journalism during which we watched a movie allows Control Room on how the news portrayed the Iraq war and Bush’s administration. However, it soon picked up.

In seminar, we did a couple of interesting things. First we played Pats of Appreciation in which everyone besides a group of 3 sits on the floor with their eyes closed. Then the RA announces things like “pat someone who has had an impact on you” or something like that and then the people standing proceed to tap everyone who that applied to. Then the groups switched and etc. I was a little hesitant to play at first thinking I handy connected enough with everybody in class but I was pleasantly surprised at how it turned out. No wonder this game is also called Warm and Fuzzies because it makes you feel special:) Afterwards, we all made and presented awards to each other and I received Lover of Life - I’m gonna roll with it!

We had 2 mandatory events today. One was a college fair which I spent a total of 12 minutes in because they were all in-state schools and I am set on going out and as far away from state as possible! The second was a convocation/documentary screening. First, a guy talked to us about GSP reunions and the. The movie, A Race To Nowhere started. The film was incredibly eye-opening and I’m glad they showed it to us. I think all schools and school boards need to see it because it discusses the negative impact school related stress can have on kids. All these AP courses, heavy homework loads, extracurriculars, and so on not only deprive students of sleep but they physically harm them and lead them to self-destructive behavior. The entire film was dedicated to 13-year-old Devon who committed suicide after failing a math test in a class she usually received 100% in. Just thinking about how something so small in the long run caused so young a girl to take her life really puts things into perspective and makes me wonder if everything I’m doing in school is really doing more good than bad. Ill say again, everybody needs to see this documentary.

Tomorrow, we get to cook in general studies! Only 4 days left:)

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