6.27.2013// Third Person Thursday v.2
This weeks edition of Third Person Thursday lasted only around 30 minutes into breakfast :P That shows how dedicated we are haha!

We started today’s General studies with a tour of the library and ended with us working in one of the labs on our research projects. I’m genuinely excited about mine and Meg’s project about whether certain diets limit us. We started researching the dietary habits of omnivores, vegetarians, vegans, etc. and comparing their daily nutritional value to see if a person on a certain diet has any restrictions. After lunch, we headed back to the classroom to watch Forks over Knives and it was incredible! I wanted to watch more but unfortunately we’ll have to finish it next week.

There was some drama surrounding my leaving for a day but I was able to talk to Kate, we straightened it out, and I will be able to leave for the conference and stay all day! In Seminar today, things got personal. We watched a TedTalks speech by Brené Brown who talked about Vulnerability and she was phenomenal. 2 of my favorite quotes by her were “You cannot selectively numb emotion. It becomes a dangerous cycle” and “We are imperfect, but we are wired for love and belonging.” We talked about “life lessons” and people got really deep. Nothing is allowed to leave the classroom but I will say that some if those stories really moved me. While I personally wasn’t ready to share something very personal yet, I hope to be able to get it off my chest by the end of GSP. The best part was though, in the end when it was still a little bit awkward, Luke decided it would be a great idea to ease the tension with a Cinnamon Roll Hug where everyone joins hands and then spins inward. It worked haha!

We ran for the 3rd time today which caused us to miss the movie tonight (The Bandwagon) but we heard it wasn’t too good, and anyway, I felt great after running! In the beginning, I noticed how she added the extra 30 seconds but by the end, I honestly did feel great! Oh and for our showcase, I think we are going to reverse the roles wherein the girls will play the guys and the guys the girls in Summer Nights! We start choreographing tomorrow :P

Only one more day until Family Day!

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