What's the point of having a senior class if they don't pull a massive prank that will go down in school history, am I right? As for our seniors, I give them props for coming up with some of the best pranks that I've ever seen. Muuuuch better than when last years seniors released live crickets in the upstairs bathroom. Without a doubt, our class will go down in infamous prank history;)
DAY ONE - Outdoor Beach Party
DAY ONE - Outdoor Beach Party
Yup, you read that right - we had a beach party, at school, before school, in the student parking lot. Now that's what I'm talking about! Also, props to those who had stayed up until 3 a.m. the night before setting up. Bright and early in the morning, a hundred (maybe more) seniors gathered in the student lot to set up. We had sand, a volleyball net, a pool, and we even had grills to cook breakfast on. There was music and beach balls, and not to mention we did this the same day as "A-hole parking day" which constitutes that students are allowed to park anywhere they please in whatever positions they please, meaning side ways, backwards, and taking up three spot diagonally. The beach party was going pretty strong, I have to say! That is until fifteen minutes before the bell rang when the administrators caught wind of what we were up to a shut us down:/ But not before we got a picture with them! I think they were just secretly impressed;)
DAY TWO - The Wedding of the Century
And this right here ^^^ is the reason why I love our school and our class. Nowhere else would two guys get married, and no other people would be as eager to plan the whole thing. Now before you panic, it wasn't actually real it was all a rouse, but man, you should have seen the principal's face before he figured that little fact out! Ah, true love.
DAY THREE - Aerobics and Yoga Class
It doesn't come as a surprise that the guys who would dump tons of sand in the student parking lot and host a fake wedding, would also be willing to dress up in girls work out gear (neon, at that!) and spearhead an early morning fitness session. Filled with enthusiasm, encouragement from the leaders, and even real headsets like in those cheesy 80s work out tapes. This school will never cease to amaze me.
And here we all are, post-beach party break-up, getting our picture taken by one of the administrators. One should note, the people in the very back are in fact standing on top of a truck. Without a doubt, the Senior Class of Henry Clay Blue Devils 2014 will be remembered. Devils up!
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