"What a piece of work is man! How noble in reason! How infinite in faculties! In form and moving, how express and admirable! In action how like an angel! In apprehension, how like a god! The beauty of the world! The paragon of animals! An yet, to me, what is this quintessence of dust?"
Hamlet Act II, Scene II
In Hamlet's quote above, he is trying to articulate his understanding of human life, much like we as graduating seniors are as well. For our final project in English Literature, we have been given the task to discover the Meaning of Life. Daunting, yes; Impossible, maybe. But in searching for the Meaning of Life, this project will serve as a record of who we are at the end of our tenure in high school. While attempting to answer the ever-present philosophical questions "What is the meaning of life?" and "What do I believe?" this project will encapsulate my life up to this point, as well as my outlook on the future.
We could choose what format to present our project in, but seeing as how I've stuck by my resolution to blog all year, why not continue! We have an outline for the natural progression of this final project but I'm planning on putting a little spin on; we'll see where that takes me! Who knows maybe by the end I'll have discovered the Meaning of Life, for myself that is haha. Which in the long run, is all that matters isn't it? Plus, I get to dig through 17 years of photo albums and that will never not be fun.
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me, circa 2001 |
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me, circa now 2014 |
This first part is supposed to be a cover sheet, but a cover sheet on a blog doesn't really work all that well so I'm improvising. It is also supposed to express who I am as I am about to graduate, so what better way than to contrast a kindergarten picture versus a senior one. Oh man, if I'd had Facebook back in 2001, that so would have been my profile picture...I would have been such a popular kindergartner...
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