As of today, it is officially T-8 days until Spring Break and my trip to Orlando.
It is also T-20 days until our Art History class trip to New York.
Then T-24 days until my birthday! (Holy crap I hadn't realized it was so soon!!)
And T-27 days until prom.
And T-32 days until I'm headed back up to New York for the weekend to visit colleges.
And lastly, approximately T-76 days until my extended family arrives in the States for my graduation.
I'm telling you, from the end of March to the beginning of May, I barely have any time to breath. And even when I do get the chance to catch my breath, then I'll have to focus on buckling down for AP tests, then finals, and then before I know it we'll have graduated from high school. We'll all be high school graduates.*cue hyperventilating here* I don't even want to think about that yet...
So I won't! Instead I'll choose to focus on making the most of these last couple of months and enjoying all of these amazing experiences I'm about to embark on. And of course blogging about each and every one of them;)
This has been, how to put it shall we say. Monday felt like a Friday because Tuesday was Senior Shadowing day so none of the seniors came to school. Then that random day off just proceeded to throw the entire week off. Wednesday felt like a Monday and it dragged on for forever. And it didn't help that now that driving about town is so easily accessible to me, I keep wandering off when I'm bored (never good for my wallet) and making plans (never good for spare time that was usually devoted to homework.) Monday I got home around eight after my Zumba class, Tuesday I got home rather late since Shadowing Day loosely alludes to Hang-Out-With-Your-Friends Day. Then Wednesday I went out to dinner with some friends and by the time I got home it was close to mine, and then Thursday I got home past ten after going to the Divergent premiere (my take on the movie: awesome if you haven't read the book; disappointing if you have.) Mind you, all of this is done alongside school clubs, homework, and babysitting every day. While my grades haven't been suffering, my sleeping schedule sure has! It also doesn't help that I just recently discovered the almost addictive qualities of both Dexter and Community and have since been watching both nonstop. My bad! It's ok though, I guess this is just what it means to be a second-semester senior who's been accepted to college and has a major case of senioritis -- might as well take advantage while I can;)
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